Segfault while sending Access-Accept

Luca Corti cortez at
Wed Nov 16 09:27:40 CET 2005

On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 11:54 -0800, Kristina Pfaff-Harris wrote:
> Luca, are you on a Linux/Unixish type system? If so, and if worst comes to 

Yes, I'm on Debian GNU/Linux.

> worst, you may be able to find it with:
>  find / -name '*core*' -print

Already tried to do a find, it lists quite a lot of files, but they all
seem to be system files (/proc stuff, kernel modules, xml dtds, etc.).

> If you're running Windows, I don't know how it does core dumps or even if
> it does.  :-)

That's not the case.

> There is (or was) also an option in radiusd.conf that says
> "allow_core_dumps = no". You may need to set this to "yes," but I'm not
> sure that applies to debug mode.

As I said I set allow_core_dumps to yes and tried running freeradius
both in debugging and non-debugging mode. 



Luca Corti
PGP Key ID 1F38C091
BOFH excuse of the moment:
Too much radiation coming from the soil.

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