multiple 'users' files possible?

Lewis Bergman lbergman at
Wed Nov 23 14:38:07 CET 2005

Arne Götje (高盛華) wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 November 2005 13:50, Lewis Bergman wrote:
>>>This is exactly my question whether this will work or the second
>>>entry will just overwrite the first one.
>>Maybe this is a stupid question, but since you knew exactly what
>>*might* work, have you tried it? It takes about 10 minutes to setup a
>>test radius server if you don't want to mess with your prduction one.
>>Give it a shot and let us all know.
> I tested it with my production server now... it turns out, that it does 
> not work. Only the first line in the radius.conf file will be taken, 
> the second one ignored.
> So, I have to merge the files and find another solution...
Good to know. Maybe the $INCLUDE method? I have seen that used in the 
dictionary files so I would think it would work in users as well.

SO, use the default users file with a few $INCLUDE 's that pull in your 
populated users files. Worth a shot anyway.

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