Bus error - core dumped on freeradius 1.0.5

Dusty Doris freeradius at mail.doris.cc
Wed Sep 28 22:02:13 CEST 2005

> and I still get segfaults. ( I have built freeradius 1.0.5 from source /
> FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p6 )

Just in case this helps at all, here is my pkg_info and uname -a.

# pkg_info
bash-3.0.16_1       The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_2 General network file distribution system 
optimized for CVS
gdbm-1.8.3_1        The GNU database manager
gettext-0.14.5      GNU gettext package
gmake-3.80_2        GNU version of 'make' utility
libiconv-1.9.2_1    A character set conversion library
libltdl-1.5.20      System independent dlopen wrapper
libtool-1.3.5_2     Generic shared library support script (1.3)
libtool-1.5.20      Generic shared library support script (1.5)
mysql-client-4.1.14 Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-server-4.1.14 Multithreaded SQL database (server)
openssh-portable-,1 The portable version of OpenBSD's OpenSSH
perl-5.8.6_2        Practical Extraction and Report Language

# uname -a
FreeBSD radacctm.lab.soc.int 5.4-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p7 #0: Tue 
Sep 27 14:14:11 EDT 2005 
root at radacctm.lab.soc.int:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/carp  i386

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