Allow linking against OpenSSL? (Was Re: [GENERAL] Debian package for freeradius_postgresql module)

Nicolas Baradakis nbk at
Sat Apr 8 21:22:54 CEST 2006

Tyler MacDonald wrote:

> It appears that several other GPL apps have added a special clause
> to their license that allows them to be linked against OpenSSL.
> 	Could this be done for freeradius/freeradius-postgresql as well?

Personally I really dislike the idea: FreeRADIUS code is released
under the GPL and there is nothing wrong with that. I note there are
many other ways to get a freeradius-postgresql package in Debian.

- Ask Debian to provide a SSL-free package of the PostgreSQL libraries,
  so our freeradius-postgresql package can depend on that.

- Add GnuTLS support to PostgreSQL (someone suggested to work on that
  in the "pgsql-general" mailing list)

- Ask OpenSSL to remove the advertising clause from their license.

I also note the current situation is really a minor problem for our
users, because we're maintaining the necessary files to build the
Debian packages in our CVS. Anybody can easily build a Debian package
of the freeradius-postgresql module from a sources tarball with a
single command line. (dpkg-buildpackage)

Nicolas Baradakis

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