Allow linking against OpenSSL? (Was Re: [GENERAL] Debian package for freeradius_postgresql module)

Nicolas Baradakis nbk at
Sat Apr 8 23:54:16 CEST 2006

Tyler MacDonald wrote:

> > Personally I really dislike the idea: FreeRADIUS code is released
> > under the GPL and there is nothing wrong with that.
> 	You are right, there is nothing wrong with that. But is there
> anything wrong with the FreeRADIUS code released under the GPL with an
> additional clause allowing linking against OpenSSL, even as a temporary
> measure until either OpenSSL fixes it's license or PostgreSQL supports gnu
> TLS?

Well, I'm not in position to decide for a FreeRADIUS license change or
not, I'm just manifesting my personal opinion. If the other developpers
agree, I won't go against them, of course.

However I believe it's better for FreeRADIUS to keep a plain GPL
license (without any modification) because it simplifies any
legal issue:
  - license violation with our code in another non-GPL software (it has
    already happened in the past)
  - adding contribution from an external company (they have questions
    concerning the license of the submitted material)

Even if it's based on the GPL, a "FreeRADIUS license" is more confusing.

> I can't think of anybody or anything that would hurt, and it would have
> the immediate practical benefit of allowing the freeradius-postgresql
> package into the official debian repo.

Altering the FreeRADIUS license will make only *one* package enter in
the Debian repository. I'm not inclined to choose this solution while
other solutions could solve the problem for *all* GPL programs
depending on the PostgreSQL libraries.

Nicolas Baradakis

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