Confused with FreeRadius + Win2000 + Linksys + EAP + Certs

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Aug 7 17:16:34 CEST 2006

Alexandros Gougousoudis <gougousoudis at> wrote:
> The problem is, if I setup the authentification with EAP-Type "Smartcard 
> or Certificate" in W2K simply nothing happens, there is no request 
> coming to the radius server, nor an error message on the client.

  FreeRADIUS doesn't support that EAP type, sorry.

> If I say it should use the Windowslogonname, again nothing happens to 
> the radius server (there is even no request to that server).

  Then the problem is on the client side.  RADIUS servers do nothing
unless they receive a request.  So if they don't receive a request...

  Alan DeKok.
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