ntlm fall-through

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Tue Dec 19 20:24:55 CET 2006

Stieven.Struyf at komatsu.eu wrote:
> All,
> Does anyone know how i can configure ntlm fall-through, eg. try to
> authenticate the user local (via password entry in users file)

  No, the "users" file doesn't authenticate anyone.  It just adds a
"known good" password to the request.  Some other module takes care of
authenticating the user.

> and if
> the user isn't found use ntlm-auth(or first ntlm and afterwards userfile
> is also ok)?
> If i comment out the ntlm-auth line in the mschap section of
> radiusd.conf the user is authenticate local.

  See doc/configurable_failover.  You should be able to add a statement
to the "authenticate" section saying "try FOO, and if that fails, try BAR".

  This is really not a recommended configuration, however.  It is
difficult to make it work well.

  Perhaps you could say *why* you need this, rather than asking how to
implement a particular solution.

  Alan DeKok.
  http://deployingradius.com       - The web site of the book
  http://deployingradius.com/blog/ - The blog

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