Where are these "Client-IP-Address =" messages coming from?

Lewis Bergman lbergman at wtxs.net
Thu Jan 12 20:28:15 CET 2006

Matthew Schumacher wrote:
> Lewis Bergman wrote:
>>Matthew Schumacher wrote:
>>>I'm getting accounting messages like these that seem to be coming from
>>>the loopback interface, but `tcpdump -i lo` doesn't see them so they are
>>>not coming from a local client.  If they are not coming from a local
>>>client then how can I figure out where they are coming from?
>>>Thu Jan 12 07:19:58 2006
>>>        Acct-Status-Type = Stop
>>>        NAS-IP-Address = x.x.x.x      (legit nas IP)
>>>        Acct-Delay-Time = 0
>>>        User-Name = "user"
>>>        NAS-Port = 536936515
>>>        Acct-Session-Id = "0A000067"
>>>        Service-Type = Framed-User
>>>        Framed-Protocol = PPP
>>>        Framed-IP-Address = x.x.x.x    (legit Framed-IP-Address)
>>>        Acct-Session-Time = 0
>>>        Acct-Input-Octets = 0
>>>        Acct-Output-Octets = 0
>>>        Acct-Input-Packets = 0
>>>        Acct-Output-Packets = 0
>>>        Client-IP-Address =
>>>        Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "1cc41474b27ed376"
>>>        Timestamp = 1137082798
>>These appear to be from the loopback of the NAS, not the radius server.
> Thanks for your reply, however it doesn't make sense to me.  How can the
> Client-IP-Address be if the radius server records the source
> address of the packet in the Client-IP-Address attribute?  If the packet
> came from the loopback of the nas then I would expect the NAS-IP-Address
> to be but the Client-IP-Address to be where the packet was
> sourced from.
I assumed when you marked the NAS ip as legit, that the actual value in 
that field is a legit IP that you have listed in your clients.conf file. 
If that is the case, then that is where the packet originated from. My 
NAS's report the client IP as the NAS address if I log in from the network.
Login-IP-Host = <ip of router>
Client-IP-Address = <IP of NAS IP>

I think I remember if I logged in from the console port that it reports 
the Client address as the loopback.
Lewis Bergman
Texas Communications
4309 Maple St.
Abilene, TX 79602-8044
Off. 325-691-1301
Cell 325-439-0533
fax  325-695-6841

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