Where are these "Client-IP-Address =" messages coming from?

Dusty Doris freeradius at mail.doris.cc
Thu Jan 12 23:28:44 CET 2006

> Not that I know off, and if it was I would see it in tcpdump.  Thanks
> for your comments though...
> I'll probably upgrade to the new radius server today and pray and hope
> this goes away, otherwise I'll have to run in debug mode (which I have
> been avoiding on a prod system) and figure this out.

Yah, I usually try to avoid that too, but its not so bad.  I'd typically 
do something like this.

kill <radiusd pid>;radiusd -X > outfile

That way it stops and reloads into debug quickly.  Pipe the debug to 
outfile.  Tail -f the outfile if you want to make sure its still working 
fine.  Wait enough time that you think you might capture that event. 
Ctrl-C and start it back up.

Then go back through the outfile to find the culprit.


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