dial-up admin and authentication time

Pelusa Vali pelusitavali at postmaster.co.uk
Wed Jun 28 00:38:26 CEST 2006

hi list, i have 2 questions, hope could help.
1) trying to use dial-up admin in my wlan, i installed it and created tables, first filled them manually with some users, later filled new users using dial-up interface, but i only can see first user's statistics, any other user, even connected, is not show.  any body knows where am i failing??
2) time of authentication is too long, i guess, i use madwifi and hostapd, first time clients connect authentication could take 5-6 minutes, after 10 minutes they are disconnected (don't know why) and re-authenticated, it takes now, 1-2 minutes.  are there any parameter i should change or why is it happening???

thanks for your time and help.

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