FW: Freeradius-Users Digest, Vol 11, Issue 57

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Mar 15 22:47:28 CET 2006


> Can you explain a little better what you mean?   I am not stuck on
> loading this.  The documentation is way too gray for me and I know that
> O'Reilly's have put out a Radius book, but it is not in any of the local
> stores and I am trying to get this done this week instead of the normal
> 3 -5 business days.  I will order it, for reference.  

the documentation is pretty clear. there are plenty of sites
out there - can you not google for 'using freeradius mysql' ?

> I see where is called the sql.conf, but I so not see anything more.
> What is it actually suppose to look like when I run the Radiusd -X?
> Also, is there a way that I can get this to start without doing this.
> Can it run in the background?

radiusd -X is for debugging. you should see success messages when you
try to authenticate against the server using accounts in the authorized
mysql table. running in the background? of course! but you can only
run it int he background once you've got it working - for otherwise
it wont be working and you wont know why. to run it in background
as a Fedora install package you simply make sure the service is known by
the init scripts.  'chkconfig radiusd on' and you can start it with
/sbin/service radius start  without rebooting. (future reboots
will have radiusd process starting by default after the chkconfig)


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