dialup admin & ippool administraton

olaf.schaefer at gmx.com olaf.schaefer at gmx.com
Tue Mar 28 13:23:57 CEST 2006


I need a GUI for administration of the ippool-feature. Currently I'm using
freeradius 1.1.1 with dialup admin 1.8 from CVS. The ippool-feature works
fine, my aim is to add/edit/delete ip-pools within the dialup-admin.

I know, I have to parse the radiusd.conf and write an approperiate
My questions:
- Has anybody done this before? Any suggestions?
- Is it possible to put the ippool-information into a table of the radius-db
(like the nas list) and let freeradius use the information in this table
instead of the radiusd.conf?
- Are there security issues, letting dialup-admin write into the
radiusd.conf file?

with best regards,

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