Another RPM build issue with version 1.1.1

Nicolas Baradakis nbk at
Wed Mar 29 14:10:48 CEST 2006

Duane Cox wrote:

> I noticed this too, that with 1.1.1 the docs are installed to 
> doc/freeradius and not doc/freeradius-1.1.1

It has been discussed on the freeradius-devel mailing list: the
libraries and the executables are installed in version-independent
directories, therefore it's more consistent to have the docs under
share/doc/freeradius. BTW it's also the recommended location in the
Debian policy manual.

> I'm not sure why this change came about, but can't a simple sed
> script fix it?  Then build your RPM.
> sed -i 's at doc/freeradius at doc/freeradius-1.1.1 at g' doc/Makefile &&
> sed -i 's at doc/freeradius/examples at doc/freeradius-1.1.1/examples at g' 
> doc/examples/Makefile &&
> sed -i 's at doc/freeradius/rfc at doc/freeradius-1.1.1/rfc at g' doc/rfc/Makefile

Perhaps adding this command in freeradius.spec could fix the problem:

sed -i "s at doc/freeradius at doc/freeradius-%{version}@" doc/Makefile doc/examples/Makefile doc/rfc/Makefile

However, I think it'd be more elegant to add an option --docdir to
configure and update the makefiles to use that.

Nicolas Baradakis

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