freeradius problem with DialupAdmin. [Virus checked]

thomas.pudil at thomas.pudil at
Wed May 3 08:02:23 CEST 2006

>"Database query failed: Table 'radius.radacct' doesn't exit."
>"Database query failed: Table 'radius.usergroup' doesn't exit."
>"Database query failed: Table 'radius.radgroupcheck' doesn't exit."

>I have tried looking for where I setup these tables and values with no
>luck. I read somewhere that there is a script for automatically
>generating these tables but I did not reference where the script was.

Yes you are right, there is an sql-script to generate those tables
On my box (FreeRADIUS Version 1.1.1,) it can be found under
It should generate the following tables
| Tables_in_radius |
| nas              |
| radacct          |
| radcheck         |
| radgroupcheck    |
| radgroupreply    |
| radpostauth      |
| radreply         |
| usergroup        |


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