PLS Help I get no response for 2 monthe (missing User-nameattribute)

Stefan Winter stefan.winter at
Mon May 8 09:22:03 CEST 2006

>   a  telephony  service provider is sending  Radius req  to my  RADIUS
> server who proxy them to a backend server

You probably meant he is sending *accounting* requests to you? Please be 
specific in your wording.

>  I  have configured  a free radius server   Version 1.1.0   to act as a
> proxy server to proxy the request  to a backend server
>  These are the configuration file   clients.conf and the proxy.conf
> Client.conf
> client {
>  secret=secretgprs1
>   shortname=RADIUS_GGSN
> Proxy.conf
> realm NULL {
>         type            = radius
>         authhost=LOCAL
>         accthost=      (backend server)
>         secret=secretgprs1
> }
> #
> #  This realm is for ALL OTHER requests.
> #
> realm DEFAULT {
>         type            = radius
>         authhost=LOCAL
>         accthost=
>         secret=secretgprs

If authhost and accthost are different, there is a bug somewhere. So if you 
don't receive auth requests anyway and just want to proxy everything that 
comes in, you'd better set authhost and accthost to the same value.

> The big Q is how to I force the freeradius to pass the request  and not
> to check  these header  or maybe to use some  sort  of   INJECTION
> To the header .

How about logging all accounting packets to a detail file and using radrelay?

BTW: this injection you are talking about works as well and you don't need 
radrelay then, and it *could* be done in the hints file, but you would 
require a patch I submitted some time ago because otherwise hints will ignore 
those acct packets without User-Name.



RESTENA Foundation - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de 
la Recherche
R&D Engineer

6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg
email: stefan.winter at     Tel.:     +352 424409-1               Fax:      +352 422473

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