can't connect to radius server

Laker Netman laker_netman at
Thu May 18 23:14:59 CEST 2006

Comments below....

--- simon at wrote:

> Hi,
> I think I have my radius server configured properly
> (I followed the configuration advice in
> I can get it running (using radiusd -X) and see all
> the expected output.

Please post this output, even if it's just the server
startup info.

> I have also configured my AP to point to the correct
> location, and it is pingable from the radius server.

So, the AP is configured with the RADIUS server's IP,
you have configured your FR "clients.conf" file with
the APs information and the shared secret is correct
on both devices?

Does your AP have any ping functionality?  If so, can
it ping the RADIUS server? Does the AP provide any
logging data indicating it connected to the RADIUS
server?  Sounds suspiciously as if the RADIUS box's
firewall settings may be at fault.


> However, when I try to connect, user validation
> always fails. And the radius server (which is in
> debug mode) doesn't show me anything. It's like
> nothing is connecting to it at all. I also tried to
> test it using NTRadPing, and his won't connect
> either.
> Any help or suggestions here would be appreciated. I
> am running version 1.1.1 of freeRADIUS.
> Thanks,
> Simon
> - 
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