W2K doesn't ask FreeRadius with EAP

Alexandros Gougousoudis gougousoudis at kh-berlin.de
Thu Oct 5 17:49:29 CEST 2006

Hi me,

Alexandros Gougousoudis schrieb:
> But there are two W2K clients which doesn't want to register over 
> radius, the radius server even doesn't get a request.

It seems the problem was, that the netbios name of the PC was to long 
(16 characters). I took a short one and it worked immediately.

Windows always complained, that it could not find its cert. But the cert 
was there and valid. After shorten the name and issuing a new cert, it 

Sorry to be a little off-topic, but I assume people looking here first 
if having trouble with Windows and FR, rather than a Windows group or list.


ServiceCenter IT - Alexandros Gougousoudis (Leiter)

Gemeinsame Einrichtung der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee, Hochschule 
für Musik "Hanns Eisler" und der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst 

Tel.: 030 / 477 05 - 444 * Fax.: 030 / 477 05 - 445

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