exec-program-wait to send back AV pairs to freeradius

Shankar Ganesh C shankarganesh at tataelxsi.co.in
Thu Sep 7 17:36:06 CEST 2006

Hi All,

I am trying to set values for more than one attributes in the
exec-program-wait for accounting start packets.

Below is the code i am trying in the exec-program-wait

return 0;

I have set the exec-wait=yes in the radiusd.conf

I am not sure whether freeradius picks all this values and sets in the
valuepairs of the radius_exec_program ()

I am trying to set the accounting response packets with this value pairs in
the rad_accounting using pairmove but still my accounting response packets
does not contain
this attributes value pairs.

Can some body help me to solve this problem ?

Thanks and regards
Shankar ganesh

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