some issues in sqlippool, branch_1_1
Alexander V. Klepikov
klepikov_a at
Tue Apr 17 15:58:50 CEST 2007
1. During setup of rlm_sqlippool module, I found some compatibility issues
with PostgreSQL server. I remind that rlm_sqlippool uses transactions. In
that case all of queries and commands including "BEGIN", "COMMIT" and
"ROLLBACK" in PostgreSQL must ends with ";" or query will fail. I have this
issue (is it an issue?) on PostgreSQL 7.3.15 but it should be true for 8.x
versions too. I think it should be documented.
2. In sqlippool.conf %{reply:Pool-Name} is used, but in documentation said
that Pool-Name is check attribute. In my tests reply:Pool-Name was empty
string, so I replaced it with Pool-Name.
3. In doc/examples/postgresql.sql in radippool table definition some fields
are defined as NOT NULL (and vice versa), which should not be - it causes
problems when one add IP-addresses to radippool.
4. In src/include/modpriv.h , src/modules/rlm_eap/rlm_eap.h ,
src/modules/rlm_sql/rlm_sql.h I replaced
#include "ltdl.h"
#include "../../libltdl/ltdl.h"
to compile FreeRadius. My OS is FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE, GNU Make 3.81
Patch for items 2 and 3 attached.
With best regards, Alexander V. Klepikov. E-mail: klepikov_a at
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