error on start freeradius + jradius

Kevin Bonner keb at
Thu Aug 9 21:22:36 CEST 2007

On Thursday 09 August 2007 15:05:55 George Beitis wrote:
> I read this post and for more than 8 hours i have been trying to install
> freeradius 1.1.5 -.6 and .7 unseccesfully.  With versions 5 and 6 i get
> errors saying the glibc error.  With 7 i get something different:  with
> 1.1.7 + jradius patch i get the rlm_acct_unique is not a valid libtool
> archive error.  For each installation i made sure i deleted the raddb
> folder before installing again.  Should i give up and go back to 1.1.1 ?
> I am using ubuntu by the way
> regards
> George

Can you post the actual 1.1.7 build output with errors?  I have no idea what 
the jradius patch is, but does the build work without that patch?

Kevin Bonner
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