Strange problem

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Aug 22 06:00:47 CEST 2007

Sean Bracken wrote:
> Hi, I am using Freeradius with a MySQL backend and the users log in through 
> Chillispot running on Buffalo and Linksys routers running DD-WRT. The 
> problem is that randomly users are recorded up to five times in radacct with 
> one login. This is not a problem for users with expiration acccounts but 
> users with max-all-session accounts are thrown out before they have really 
> used up their time. Has anyone come accross this before? I'd appreiate any 
> help.

  Accounting packets may be re-transmitted by the NAS.  They may be
received multiple times by the server, and recorded multiple times.

  The default configuration *should* catch most of these cases, and
record only one set of information for a session.  But some NAS
equipment tries hard to send broken accounting requests to the server.

  Look at the "detail" logs to see which packets get recorded multiple

  Alan DeKok.

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