Status of my book

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Jan 2 15:45:45 CET 2007

  It's January, so the book obviously hasn't met my target of being
finished by December.  The good news is that I have over 100 pages of
content, and I recently entered an agreement with a partner that will
give me access to additional networking equipment, which should help
expand the content to include configuration for many common clients.

  However, I'm in the middle of moving 6000 km, so I'm a little busy.  I
expect to be able to start working on the book again in a month or so.

  Thanks to everyone who's emailed to inquire about the book, or offer
help.  That has given me incentive to push hard to finish it ASAP.

  Alan DeKok.
--       - The web site of the book - The blog

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