Status of my book

srg krn srgqwerty at
Tue Jan 2 21:31:31 CET 2007


Just to say to you that if you need my help, please let me know what
you need and, if possible, I will help you.


On 1/2/07, Alan DeKok <aland at> wrote:
>   It's January, so the book obviously hasn't met my target of being
> finished by December.  The good news is that I have over 100 pages of
> content, and I recently entered an agreement with a partner that will
> give me access to additional networking equipment, which should help
> expand the content to include configuration for many common clients.
>   However, I'm in the middle of moving 6000 km, so I'm a little busy.  I
> expect to be able to start working on the book again in a month or so.
>   Thanks to everyone who's emailed to inquire about the book, or offer
> help.  That has given me incentive to push hard to finish it ASAP.
>   Alan DeKok.
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