Support for WiMAX VSA

Walter Goulet wgoulet at
Thu Jul 19 05:57:37 CEST 2007

Hi Nitin,

Question on your planned contribution to FreeRADIUS: Does your module
support the key generation algorithms for the WiMAX mobility keys?
Specifically, is your module able to correctly generate the
MN-HA-MIP4-KEY and related key material from the EMSK derived as part
of the EAP exchange?

Personally this was seen as the biggest challenge towards building NWG
compliance into FreeRADIUS as opposed to VSA format.


On 7/18/07, Nitin Naveen <Nitin.Naveen at> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Hi I am Nitin Naveen working with HUGHES SYSTIQUE. We have been working to
> enhance freeradius to support WiMAX VSA (as per WiMAX NWG forum). WiMAX
> VSA are not the typical type-length-value rather they have
> type-length-controlinfo-value.
> We have enhanced the dictionary but we were not able to generate the
> attributes
> as per the WiMAX NWG format. For now we have developed our own rlm_hsc_wimax
> module.  We like to contribute to freeradius so that the WiMAX VSA are
> supported as
> part of the standard distribution. To this end we can share our code. But
> before that
> we would like to follow the correct procedure for releasing the code. Your
> inputs and
> suggestion are awaited.
> Regards
> Nitin Naveen
> Principal Engineer
> D-8, Infocity-11
> Sector-33, Gugaon
> Haryana, India
> tel: +91-124-3045400
> fax: +91-124-4039301
> nitin.naveen at


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