Upgrading from 0.9.3 to 1.1.3 or 1.1.6

Nico -telmich- Schottelius nico-freeradius at schottelius.org
Fri Jul 20 12:26:02 CEST 2007

Hello Peter,

Peter Nixon [Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 02:40:09PM +0300]:
> Just a quick tip to get you started as I have to head out and may not have a 
> chance to reply until tomorrow:
> ALTER TABLE radacct ALTER acctinputoctets TYPE bigint;
> and
> ALTER TABLE radacct ADD XAscendSessionSvrKey VARCHAR(10);

Thank you! I am for safety now checking all values and recognized
that the schema shipped with 1.1.6 for postgres seems to be broken:

        XAscendSessionSvrKey    VARCHAR(10),       <-----|
        FramedProtocol          VARCHAR(32),             |
        FramedIPAddress         INET,                    |
        AcctStartDelay          BIGINT,                  | duplicated!
        AcctStopDelay           BIGINT,                  |
        XAscendSessionSvrKey    VARCHAR(10)        <-----|

I'll post a update script as soon as I'm finished.

> Just go though your schema line by line and compare with the one in 
> doc/examples/postgresql.sql running either one of those 2 commands (with the 
> correct datatype and column name) until your schema looks like the default 
> one. You should not lose any data in the process, but its a good idea to 
> have a backup of you table in any case.

yep, doing that. will tell you whether it worked or not (should) later.


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