2.0 mysql.sql

Peter Nixon listuser at peternixon.net
Mon Jul 23 17:08:33 CEST 2007

On Mon 23 Jul 2007, Hugh Messenger wrote:
> Alan DeKok said:
> > Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 9:03 AM
> > To: FreeRadius users mailing list
> > Subject: Re: 2.0 mysql.sql
> >
> > Peter Nixon wrote:
> > > ok. Its fixed. I am beginning to think that for 2.0, maybe we should
> >
> > just
> >
> > > make EVERYTHING lowercase for ALL database backends. It would be one
> >
> > less
> >
> > > compatibility issue to deal with. Would anyone take issue with that?
> > > (I realise it has backwards compatibility issues to MySQL on windows
> > > users. Does it affect anyone else though?)
> >
> >   I hATe ThE usE oF ExesSiVe Cap...
> Working 24*7 is RADIUS-Attribute-Land must drive you crazy!
> >   Ah, the heck with it.  Make it all lowercase.
> As long as we do some checking first, as Peter mentions.  Make sure it's
> not just MySQL on Windows which has the case issue.  And as long as we
> provide a simple update_case.sql to modify the tables appropriately when
> upgrading to 2.x.

Given that we already HAD some case issues (that you asked me to fix) I am nt 
sure that its a big deal.

> Personally I'd be very loath to change things just for cosmetic reasons.
> It's not like db col names are things we have to type very often.  And the
> risk of unforeseen back compat issues is very real.

Well, we decided about 6 months ago that we were going to make every cosmetic 
change we could think of for the 2.0 release in the hope that we wouldn't 
need to make any more in the future :-)

> The only real wrinkle for me is I'll have to run a non-standard 1.1.7
> config, as I'm about to set up 2.0 as my secondary, so I'll have 1.1.7 and
> 2.0 talking to the same (case sensitive) db.  No biggie, just an example
> of one of those back compat issues.

Oh my god it burns..... Why would you do that to yourself??? :-D


Peter Nixon

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