2.0.0-pre : Failed to open socket.

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Thu Jun 21 09:23:29 CEST 2007


> >The code has been taken out in the CVS head... if you want to use the
> >new features of 2** (of which there are many) use the CVS head not pre1.
> Has the faulty code really been taken out or fixed, or is the resolution 
> of this situation a side-effect of udpfromto being disabled in HEAD at 
> the moment?

from what I recall the code is disabled (and was wrong anyway - cant
dig out the post from Alan but it was near beginning of this month)

> Further, pre1 has features missing compared to HEAD (not least the 
> sites-available / sites-enabled stuff in raddb, which leads to quite a 
> few changes in the configuration file), the PGP signature for the pre1 
> .tar.gz doesn't verify and the .tar.bz2 isn't PGP signed, also 
> raddb/certs/bootstrap doesn't work for me in pre1. I haven't bothered to 
> try to debug raddb/certs/bootstrap yet; I have my own way of building 
> the necessary certificates.
> Nevertheless, if any FreeBSD users want a tarball of my 2.0.0-pre1 port, 
> please email me. At the moment, it couldn't be committed to the ports 
> tree because the patches are organised incorrectly, but it does work on 
> my machine.

 ignore pre1. work with pre2 (aka current HEAD). 


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