Possible bug in !* operator handling?

Marcel De Boer marcel.de_boer at alcatel-lucent.be
Thu Sep 13 17:35:45 CEST 2007


Today I noticed some strange problems on a number of RADIUS users in a 
test setup: I have a number of users in MySQL that contain a large number 
of attributes that should not occur in the Access-Request (i.e. attributes 
with the !* operator). When I tried to authenticate these users, I noticed 
that in some cases users were getting authenticated while they should have 
been rejected.

Some investigation later, it turned out that after the first row in the 
radcheck table that contains a !* operator, all further attributes get 

I crawled through the code a bit more, and the problem appears to occur on 
line 287 of main/valuepair.c. This is in the function paircmp, which 
iterates over the list of check items to verify whether the incoming 
request matches:

                  *      Not found, it's not a match.
                 if (auth_item == NULL) {
                          *      Didn't find it.  If we were *trying*
                          *      to not find it, then we succeeded.
                         if (check_item->operator == T_OP_CMP_FALSE)
                                 return 0;
                                 return -1;

The 'return 0;' above causes paircmp to exit successfully (accepting the 
user) if it could not find the attribute and it should not find the 
attribute (because of the !* operator) instead of continuing to see if the 
rest of the attributes is correct too.

I've changed the 'return 0;' to a 'continue;', so it does not break the 
for loop anymore. This appears to work, is this fix correct or would this 
introduce problems elsewhere?


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