Strange CHAP/PAP issue (Version 1.1.6)[sic!]

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Sep 26 11:57:27 CEST 2007

Wojciech Ziniewicz wrote:
> Maybe i do something uncorrect with the operators ? or there are too few
> attributes/values in my radcheck/radreply ?


> As I understand for now - My client gives me the password md5'ed with the
> challenge , then my server compares the client's string with
> cleartext-password (not md5'ed with challenge)

  No.  The server hashes the cleartext password it has, and compares
that to the hash supplied by the RADIUS client.

> which is bad OR he does not
> show the md5'ed form of the cleartext-password....
> I am going to try default config for freeradius, maybe this will help.

  Try also with "ntradping", or another non-FreeRADIUS client.  If CHAP
works for those clients, then the CHAP code in PPPoE is broken.

  Alan DeKok.

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