merging accounting records from two databases

Andy Billington billington.andy at
Wed Sep 26 16:06:42 CEST 2007

Given my levels of FreeRADIUS knowledge vs MySQL, I would go with a
database-level approach :-)

What version of MySQL are you using - you could maybe cluster the databases?

Alternatively have RADIUS write to one database and use MySQL Proxy to
handle the two databases if you dont want to cluster (ie use
replication primary --> secondary, put proxy in the data flow and tell
it to write to secondary if primary unavail, then when primary fixed,
reverse the roles so what was the seconday becomes the primary,
replicates data, and then you can either flip them back (if e.g. the
original primary is heavier hardware) or not ..


On 26/09/2007, Stella <snpower at> wrote:
> Hi,
> We're setting up two radius servers and configuring them so the accounting
> records are inserted into a mysql database.  For redundancy, we're having two
> radius servers and two database servers.  Both radius servers will attempt to
> write the records to the primary database, if that fails, the secondary
> database will be used.  However, I only see one place in the radius sql.conf
> file to set the database connection settings.  Is there anyway to set the
> connection settings for a secondary database, or is there no failover?  If
> not, what do people suggest we use?  A load balancer or some such?
> Another problem with this setup is that there may be records in the secondary
> database which I need to add to the primary database.  The main issue I have
> is when the start record of a session is in one database and the stop record
> is in the other.  I need to match these two records up, so I have all the
> records in both databases.  Is there any application out there that will do
> this or do I need to write my own?  Surely someone else has encountered the
> same issue?
> So can anyone advise on the above or point me at some documentation that
> explains how to do this?  All help much appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Stella
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