Compile problems

David Blood david at
Thu Aug 28 19:27:30 CEST 2008

In line

David Blood

> -----Original Message-----
> From: freeradius-users-
> at [mailto:freeradius-
> at] On Behalf Of
> Alan DeKok
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 12:13 AM
> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
> Subject: Re: Compile problems
> David Blood wrote:
> > 1.        I am installing on a centos 4.5 box and would like
> freeradius
> > to install the config file in the correct place (i.e. /etc/raddb)
> > setting the prefix=��
>   Don't do that.  Use "prefix=/", if anything.


> > in the configure
> > script does not tell the radiusd executable to look  in /etc/raddb
> for
> > its configuration files. It still looks in /usr/local/etc/raddb
>   The "configure" script can cache values from previous runs.  Ensure
> that an earlier run is not affecting a newer, different, configuration.

I have deleted all the files and reextracted them and still have this problem.  I can see in the make install output that It is trying to install the configuration files in the /etc/raddb and warns me that there are files there that are old then it's new ones.  That’s good for that step but wherever before that when it is compiling radius it seems to be missing using the variable    --sysconfdir='/etc'.

> > 2.       The configure script cannot find the libgdbm library and
> thus
> > cannot configure some of the rlm_modules.  I have tried setting the
> > --with-rlm-counter-lib-dir='/usr/lib' which is where the gdbm library
> is
> > looked to get rlm_couter to configure but it still fails.
>   If the gdbm file is in /usr/lib, that's only part of what the server
> needs to use gdbm.  It *also* needs the gdbm development header files.
> Install those.

Thanks.  I fixed this.

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