FW: [RTX] POPS in Brasil

José Soler js at goipint.com
Fri Aug 29 13:27:12 CEST 2008

Stig, Jonathan,


Have you moved on this one?





From: José Soler 
Sent: 28 August 2008 11:14
To: 'Stig Skaugvoll'
Cc: Claus Futtrup; Jonathan Schutte
Subject: FW: [RTX] POPS in Brasil



Can you take AP1 below and contact T-Systems /DTAG?

RTX needs this information asap since it will determine what is the best location to install the core of the system.






From: José Soler 
Sent: 27 August 2008 17:18
To: 'jsr at rtx.com'; 'dvi at rtx.com'; 'mbd at rtx.com'; 'cto at rtx.com'; Claus Futtrup; 'Stig Skaugvoll'; Jonathan Schutte
Cc: 'elias at emlacie.com.br'
Subject: [RTX] Minutes technical meeting


270808- GoIPInt premises


-        RTX: Dalia Vitkauskaite, Morten Bundgaard, Carsten Toft, (Jørgen S Rosenkilde). (Elias + Palle in conference)

-        GoIPInt: Claus Futtrup, José Soler, (Peter Futtrup, Jonathan Schutte, Stig Skaugvoll)


Action points and responsible company (RTX / GoIP) person listed (initials) below.



è GoIPInt to request DT availability and location of POP (for international termination) in Brasil and forward to RTX (AP1: js/cf).

è Number Portability issues: RTX to provide to GoIPInt information regarding regulative conditions in Brasil and inter operator procedures for number portability .(AP2:Elias)

è Collect Call: RTX to provide GoIPInt information of how the Collect Call service is implemented in Maraba for the Nortelpa/Midas solution. (AP3: Elias). Additionally, GoIPInt to provide RTX with details of necessary conditions/requirements to implement service in GoIPInt platform (AP4: js/cf)

è Billing: RTX to provide deeper details of interface with Servcom billing system.(AP5: Elias). Additionally GoIP to send details/example of feeds from GoIPInt rating system towards a likely Billing system. (AP6: cf).

è Test setup (Anatel's): GoIP to provide feedback by 28th August regarding possibility of server purchase in Dk, preconfiguration and shipping to Brasil (Canaa) together with travelling person and proforma bill (for customs) (AP7: ss/jsc).

è RTX to send to GoIPInt details of HTTP-based interface for customer creation in HLR (AP8: dvi).

è Other services where mentioned in call with Elias (i.e. calling card like top-up functionality). A complete description of the features desired in the system needs to be settled-agreed as base for discussion and to realistically estimate implementation costs and schedules. GoIPInt to present a complete functionality / features description of the system (AP9: ss/ jsc). RTX to provide a complete description of desired functionality: call-related, administration operation related, customer access related, etc. (AP10: cto)

è GoIP to confirm available voice codecs in DEC bases. GoIP platform can work with the following unlicensed ones: G711, G726, GSM, iLBC, Speex, and the following licensed ones: G723, G729.(AP11:dvi)

è It was confirmed after discussion that local gateway redundancy will NOT be part of the solution if it is not a legal/regulative requirement. Alternative centralized redundant solutions might be considered. RTX to confirm this. (AP12: elias/cto)

è RTX and GoIPInt to perform further tests on signaling for different cases during week 36. (AP13: cf/dvi/mbd)






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