Time based billing

Sebo PL Sebo.PL+freeradius-users at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 21:37:21 CET 2008

I think it could be done by some special DB function.
You can write one in plpgsql, then you can exec it using the sql radius

2008/12/3 regs at kinetix.gr <regs at kinetix.gr>

 These situations are often in the VoIP billing world. If the rate changes
> during a call there is little
> you can do in a prepaid billing system (in a postpaid situation this is not
> a problem). You have to choose
> either to bill your customer with the rate that is valid at the beginning
> of the call or at the end of it. Most of the
> implemantations choose to bill the customer with the rate that is valid at
> the end of the call. I know
> this is somewhat inconsistent because if you calculate the remaining time
> with a low rate and the rate changes
> during the call then you might end up with a negative credit on your
> prepaid customer's balance. There is little
> you can do to about that. You just have to choose one of the options above
> and notify your customers
> about your decision. The thing is that all this - although scary at first
> sight - is somewhat balanced in the end
> (fair-wise) because the probabilities that your customer can make a call
> during a low-to-high rate change are
> equal with the probabilities that the call follows a high-to-low rate
> change. So in the end nobody really loses or wins.
> You don't have to be a perl expert to use the rlm_perl module. But I can
> tell you from my experience that it
> gives you control of all different scenarios that may arise. Your back-end
> could (usually a DB in these situations)
> be as complex as you like (pricelists per customer, per time-slice, per
> type, per u-name-it), and your code could
> be as complex as you like (and as dynamic as you like) using a 3rd
> generation language that gives the flexibility to
> do whatever you want.
> Alan DeKok wrote:
> Saeed Akhtar wrote:
>  Yes I know that freeradius doesn't know whether we are charging $ 1 or
> 2. But the purpose of asking question was that If a user has 3 hrs left
> @ $1/hr and after an hour the rate changes to 0.5/hr then technically
> freeradius should reply Session-Timeout = 5hrs as (1hr @ $1/hr + 4hrs @
> $0.5/hr). So may be we can create some condition to do so.
>    See the "expr" module.  It has limited support for some math expressions.
>   Alan DeKok.
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