How to parse the "value" in an accounting message and print thecontents In "detail-..." file?

tnt at tnt at
Mon Dec 8 20:56:27 CET 2008

Freeradius has cablelabs VSA dictionary. If it needs updating ask the
vendor for the latest dictionary. Post it also to this list so that it
can be included in the distribution.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 8/12/2008, "al pat" <alps.oss at> piše:

>I am trying to decode accounting message from a device which sends
>PacketCable Event Messages.
>These are VSAs and the payload has a custom format.
>Freeradius dumps the octet string of the length of the message which it
>cannot decode (due to custom format)
>I want to dump these specific attributes in the message. How do I go about
>doing that?
>I want to dump the output in the "detail-..." file along with the other
>I am using freeradius version 1.1.7 (built March 10, 2008)  on ubuntu with
>linux kernel 2.6.26-19
>Thank You.

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