freeradius not responding on machine specific IPs
rat at
Sat Dec 13 18:51:56 CET 2008
Hi Alan,
OK, you pointed me in the right direction. I did run radius in debug
and came up with no errors as shown in a previous message to the list
that was cut from this continuation.
What I didn't realize nor think of, is that I could run radtest against
the debug run. Every reference to debug mode simply indicated to run in
debug, check if there were errors, and the ctrl-X and run freeradius
again in standard mode.
So I ran freeradius in debug mode an then ssh'd into the server again in
another instance. Ran radtest again and found these output results:
> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=15, length=56
> Ignoring request from unknown client
> --- Walking the entire request list ---
> Nothing to do. Sleeping until we see a request.
unh-hunh... FR was getting the request, and IGNORING IT... so the
client never knew that FR had received the request. Great for security
(looks like the port was closed), so that pointed me in the wrong
direction, thinking it wasn't open or getting requests.
Anyhow, I changed the clients.conf to include the external IP of the
server, ran the test again, and it worked as expected:
> root at server3:/home/kevin# radtest fred wilma 1812 mysecret
> Sending Access-Request of id 60 to port 1812
> User-Name = "fred"
> User-Password = "wilma"
> NAS-IP-Address =
> NAS-Port = 1812
> rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=60, length=20
> rad_verify: Received Access-Reject packet from client port 1812 with invalid signature (err=2)! (Shared secret is incorrect.)
Thanks to all helping me figure this out...
On Sat, 2008-12-13 at 08:45 +0100, Alan DeKok wrote:
> kevin wrote:
> > I'm using fake data to send to the radius server. I do not care if it
> > passes or fails. I simply want the server to respond when I send a
> > message to x.x.3.199 (the network address of the machine) just as it
> > does when I send a request to the localhost address on the machine.
> It's not clear from your messages if you're running the server in
> debugging mode for these tests. If you are, the possible outcomes are:
> 1) it doesn't receive the packet. This usually means firewall issues.
> 2) it receives the packet, and doesn't respond. Debug output explains
> why.
> 3) it receives the packet and responds, but the client doesn't see the
> response. This usually means firewall issues.
> > It does respond to localhost, it does not respond to the network
> > address. That's where the problem lies, that I am trying to figure out.
> As always, READ the debug output. From your messages it looks like
> you are NOT looking at the debug output when you send requests from
> outside of localhost.
> Alan DeKok.
> -
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