MAC Auth (new problem)

Leigh Martell leigh.martell at
Mon Dec 15 22:34:33 CET 2008

Well thats not entirely true; you can create an association table(if thats
the right term) which has id,username, mac and then edit your query with
some joins and additional magic...I would not suggest this but it is
possible just very messy. I would highly recommend doing this the
traditional least if you value your sanity ;-).


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:22 PM, <tnt at> wrote:

> >In my case I can't look for MAC in Username field and I have to look for
> >that mac in Value field. Hope that have a way to make this happens.
> >
> You don't seem to get the problem. You have set up your AP to do mac
> authentication. When you do that, mac address is sent in the username
> filed. If you don't want that, don't set your AP to do mac auth. Set
> it to do user authentication. When you are doung user auth, mac address
> should appear as Calling-Station-Id (should).
> There is *nothing* you can do in freeradius that will make your AP do
> this. You have to configure the AP to do that.
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
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