freeradius v.2.0.1 and Cisco 1200AP IOS V.12.3

John Melton john.melton at
Tue Feb 5 23:26:43 CET 2008

I have found a Cisco document (FAQ-Wireless-Security.pdf) with the  
following statement:

Q. Why does MAC authentication not work with Wi−Fi Protected Access
(WPA) in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(8)JA2?
A. The only level of security for MAC authentication is to check the  
MAC address of the
client against a list of permitted MAC addresses. This is considered  
very weak. In earlier
Cisco IOS Software releases, you could configure MAC authentication  
and WPA to encrypt
the information. But because WPA itself has a MAC address that checks,  
Cisco decided not
to allow this type of configuration in later Cisco IOS Software  
releases and decided only to
improve security features.



On 5 Feb 2008, at 20:04, A.L.M.Buxey at wrote:

> Hi,
>> When installing FreeRadius 2.0.1, the only thing you should need is  
>> to add
>> this to /etc/raddb/users
>> username	Cleartext-Password := "thepassword"
> ..and the clients file (and maybe even the firewall on the  
> server! ;-) )
> so that the AP acting as a NAS can talk to FR :-)
>> ...and it should work. If it doesn't, by far the most likely  
>> explanation is
>> that you have the Cisco AP configured incorrectly; you will need to  
>> examine
>> the Cisco documentation, this is not a Cisco support list.
> agreed.
> alan
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