Issue reading from detail to sql (buffered-sql virtual server)

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Jan 31 09:38:59 CET 2008

Nick Freeman wrote:
> However it never deletes or changes the file - so when I
> send a second accounting packet, it will go into the detail file without
> a problem (and will be the only packet in the file) but
> seems to be locked with the first packet. No matter how many packets I
> send it always sticks with the first packet, and nothing
> ever gets written to the database.

  It looks like it isn't noticing that it's finished reading the file.

  I would suggest going to line 482 of src/main/detail.c, and adding a
new line:

		data->state = STATE_HEADER;
		if (feof(data->fp) goto cleanup; // added line
		return 0;

  If that fixes it, I'll commit it to CVS.  if not then the issue is a
little more complicated.

  The good news is that 2.0 now has the skeleton of a regression test
suite in src/tests.  So adding an automated test for this case should be
relatively straightforward.

  Alan DeKok.

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