modules in unlang unknown?

Norbert Wegener norbert.wegener at
Fri Jul 18 11:07:47 CEST 2008

I want to use a second database searching users, when not  found in the 
first one.
So I have setup two sql modules: sqldef and sqlps.
In my server configuration there is:

authorize {

group sqlall {
                sqldef {
                notfound = 1

        if ("%{sqlall:SELECT UserName from radcheck where UserName like 
'%{User-Name}' }" != "" ) {
        update control {

When a query comes in I finally get:
server cisco {^M
+- entering group authorize^M
++- entering group sqlall^M

Obviously the group is known...

        expand: %{User-Name} -> e0001323c4c3^M
rlm_sql (sqldef): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'e0001323c4c3'^M
rlm_sql (sqldef): Reserving sql socket id: 3^M
rlm_sql (sqldef): Released sql socket id: 3^M
+++[sqldef] returns ok^M
        expand: %{User-Name} -> e0001323c4c3^M
rlm_sql (sqlps): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'e0001323c4c3'^M

rlm_sql (sqlps): Released sql socket id: 4^M
rlm_sql (sqlps): User e0001323c4c3 not found^M
+++[sqlps] returns notfound^M
++- group sqlall returns ok^M
++? if (!User-Name)^M
? Evaluating !(User-Name) -> TRUE^M
++? if (!User-Name) -> FALSE^M
++[preprocess] returns ok^M
++? if ("%{sqlall:SELECT UserName from radcheck where UserName like 
'%{User-Name}' }" != "" )^M
WARNING: Unknown module "sqlall" in string expansion "%{sqlall:SELECT 
UserName from radcheck where UserName like '%{User-Name}' }"^

Shouldn't  that module  be known here?

Something wrong with my syntax or something else?

Norbert Wegener

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