
King, Adam adam.king at
Wed Jun 18 14:59:02 CEST 2008

I have an if statement that checks if the Packet-Src-IP-Address matches
that of the ones in the database table and the same process for the
realm, before processing a user. This works fine to a local database,
however I need redundancy setting up and it fails to authenticate to the
second database but it does appear to connect. 
In the sites-enabled/default file I have:
if("%{sql: SELECT COUNT(nas_ip) FROM `nas_ip` WHERE
nas_ip='%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}' AND realm='%{Realm}'}" >0 ) {
redundant {

In radiusd.conf under instantiate {

Redundant {

And 	$INCLUDE sql1.conf 
	$INCLUDE sql2.conf

With the connection info for the databases in those 2 files. 
The output of radiusd -X is in the txt file attached 
Any help on how to get this working would be much appreciated. 

Adam King
Network Engineer
adam.king at

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