Problem with regular expressions in users file (v.2.0.x)

Alan DeKok aland at
Sun Jun 29 08:31:05 CEST 2008

Massimo Pistoni wrote:
> The symptom is that the third (but also the fourth for simpler tries) of
> the following users statements
> does not match in the case of authentication based on a
> <username at suffix> style (with Suffix =! ""):
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> DEFAULT             Auth-Type = Kerberos, Suffix == ""
> DEFAULT             Auth-Type = Kerberos, Suffix == "LNF.INFN.IT"
> DEFAULT             Auth-Type := Reject, Suffix =~ "@", Suffix !~
> "@(.+\\.|)(infn\\.it|INFN\\.IT)$"
> DEFAULT             Auth-Type := Reject, Suffix =~ "@"

  Why are you using the Suffix attribute?  Why not just perform the
checks on the User-Name attribute?

> I tried several other syntax way, but it seems that regular expressions
> are disabled.
> The same users file is regularly working in the version 1.1.1 and 1.1.7
> installed on the same system.

  Do the checks on the User-Name attribute.  Quite frankly, I'm
surprised that your example did anything in 1.1.x.

  Alan DeKok.

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