Freeradius proxy: rewriting response messages

Simone Vendemia metal at
Thu May 8 17:28:23 CEST 2008

2008/5/8 Ivan Kalik <tnt at>:
> Read the description of unlang:

The syntax i was using was broken, now everything works fine with

if (proxy-reply:Framed-IP-Address) {
       update proxy-reply {
             Framed-IP-Address := "%{sql:SELECT Value FROM `radreply`
WHERE UserName ='%{User-Name}' AND Attribute = 'Framed-IP-Address'}"
             Framed-Route := "%{sql:SELECT Value FROM `radreply` WHERE
UserName ='%{User-Name}' AND Attribute = 'Framed-Route'}"

Thank you.

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