New entry for Interim packet

Tony Spencer tony at
Thu Nov 20 20:14:46 CET 2008

> -----Original Message-----
> From: at
> [mailto:freeradius-users-
> at] On Behalf Of
> tnt at
> Sent: 20 November 2008 18:30
> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
> Subject: Re: New entry for Interim packet
> >Except when it comes to working out the usage stats for each user at the
> end
> >of each month.
> >
> >Its easy to do with all sessions that started in the previous month and
> have
> >a Stop status.
> >
> >But it's difficult when a session rolled over to the next month because
> the
> >status is Alive.
> >
> >We're trying to find a why to make FreeRadius:
> >
> >
> >
> >Enter a new entry into the Radacct table for a session for an Interim
> update
> >
> >Mark the previous session with a stop Status and update the OctetsIn and
> >OctetsOut for that session with the current value.
> >
> You can't do that on the radius server. Accounting is done by the NAS
> and it decides when session starts and ends - radius just receives that
> information. You can do that but it will get undone when next accounting
> packet with same accounting id arrives.
> If you are such a nasty provider that won't allow users to roll over
> unused allowance into the next period even during the existing session -
> simply disconnect them at the time the counter resets (use Login-Time on
> users connecting on the last day for instance). Be nasty to the end!

Its not about being a nasty provider.
Its about ensuring users pay for what they use and between them pushing out
bandwidth costs higher than what users pay us each month.

> If you are prepared to be sensible you should try maths rather then
> discontinuing sessions. Estimate the usage (if it doesn't *have* to be
> exact) for the time the session run into the new period and deduct that
> from the counter limit for each such user.

I don't think disconnecting about 4,000 users is an ideal solution.

> Or be kind to your users and - ignore it.
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> -
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