Newbie question

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Oct 8 04:18:16 CEST 2008

Jair Santos wrote:
> I also recognize that you tried to help me , but Alan, just because someone
> is an expert this doesn't mean that he/she have the right to criticize the
> ones that are not.  I am here for help not to be criticized,

  Help often involves pointing out what you're doing wrong.  If this is
too painful, I'm sorry.

  When you don't follow the instructions, and then ask for help, the
response is "follow the instructions".  If this is too painful, there's
little I can do to help.

> and may be the
> mistakes I made can help you to change things that will save you time when
> other beginner arrives.

  Since you haven't answered my questions about WHY you ignored the
existing documentation... no.  I still have no idea what else I can do
to convince people to read the documentation.  When I write
documentation... certain people ignore it.  If I tell them to go read
the documentation... they get upset at being criticized.

  Why?  Damned if I know.

  Alan DeKok.

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