The client does not connect _*_*_*_

Anders Holm anders.holm at
Fri Sep 26 13:41:36 CEST 2008

You say 10.0.32.x is on a different network than 10.0.42.x?

What's your netmasks and your routing table like? What network is your
client on and what network is your server on? Can you ping the server (or
access it in any way) from the client?

This is really more a basic networking question than a specific Radius


On 25/09/2008 22:48, "Pshem Kowalczyk" <pshem.k at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Please don't forget that radius is UDP, and telnet TCP - firewall
> might be protocol specific and the fact that you can't telnet to port
> 1812 doesn't mean you can't use radius.
> kind regards
> Pshem
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