Debug log not logging date/time/epoch

John Horne john.horne at
Thu Apr 30 17:39:52 CEST 2009


Not sure if this is a simple request or not. I am currently running
FreeRadius 2.0.5 in debug mode ('-X') and recording all the output into
a log file. The problem is the debug output seems to show no indication
of the date/time (or epoch time) at all. I'm trying to track down a
local problem, and have users telling me when the problem occurs, but
without the date/time being logged I am not getting too far.

Is it possible to get FR to log the date/time or epoch time when using



John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK  Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287
E-mail: John.Horne at       Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001

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