DEAFAULT keyword??

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Aug 6 11:01:16 CEST 2009

Marlon Duksa wrote:
> I've been reading through WiKi  pages but still not clear. I need to
> evaluate two attributes and I'm doing this with the =~ operator. But the
> second attribute is not evaluated but instead returned as reg expr
> (exactly as stated below)
> DEFAULT     *User-Name =~ "^([aA-zZ]+)-([aA-zZ]+)$", Auth-Type := Local,
> User-Password == "csetestp"*

  Don't set Auth-Type := LOCAL.  Delete that.

  Use "Cleartext-Password := ...", not "User-Password == ..."

> What is the significance of this 'DEFAULT' keyword in the 'users' file?

$ man users

  This is documented.

  Alan DeKok.

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