Question about authentication

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Jan 20 10:40:48 CET 2009

John Baldwin wrote:
> I’m trying to configure freeradius on a Centos server to authenticate my
> logins on Cisco devices.  I can see in the log file that my request is
> hitting the server.  I’m advised to just add a username and password in
> the users file so I’ve done that, I’ve used the steve login and password
> of testing as used as an example in the file and as follows
> I’m running radiusd –x.  The following is the contents of the log file.

  Please run "radiusd -X" as suggested in the FAQ, README, and daily on
this list.  Doing so would have helped you solve the problem.

> rlm_pap: login attempt with password "Cí?-Ã+Cý?AÃ
>                                                    ?ü?RE"

  The shared secret is wrong.  Check it, or re-enter it.

  Alan DeKok.

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