want to authorise but not authenticate

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Jul 8 13:39:57 CEST 2009


> authorize {
> 	if((User-Name == User-Password) && %{ldap:etc...}){
> 		update control {
> 			Auth-Type := 'NULL'
> 		}
> 	}
> 	else {
> 		// Authentication modules
> 	}
> }
> Auth-Type NULL {
> 	ok
> }

this is pretty uch what is already on the system - the trouble then is that
people can then just login by using any account so long as the password
is the same value



they dont even need a valid account to actually authenticate.

what we need is for the X=Y to work for authorise and then
not give a damn about authentication - but, as said, looks like
we cannot distinguish between auth and auth (if you get what
I mean ;-) ) - if only we could send Service-Type from the device...


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