radippool question

Martin Badie martinbadie at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 10 14:55:18 CEST 2009


Af far as I see when a client gets an IP from pool an entry is created in radippool table:

mysql> select * from radippool where expiry_time>now() ;                   
| id  | pool_name  | FramedIPAddress | NASIPAddress  | CalledStationId | CallingStationID | expiry_time         | username | pool_key  |
|  60 |  pool |    |  |                 | aadadasdadadaa   | 2009-07-10 18:57:52 | user1   | 13242346536

In sqlippool.conf we define lease_time as 3600 seconds. I want to ask what happens after 3600 seconds. I can see that the ip is still in radippool table but date is earlier from now. Does radiusd sends a packet back to NAS so client re-requests a new IP without a traffic disruption ? Or what happens?


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